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Puzzle d'art en bois 500 pèces : La houle
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Willemze - World chess champion strategy training for club players
Chess players can look ahead, formulate a clear plan, and act accordingly. That's why chess is the perfect learning environment for becoming a strategic expert. But how do you train this? It starts with playing many games and analysing them carefully afterwards. At the same time, you should learn from the best by studying the games of the world's strongest players and gradually build their techniques into your play. This book offers you 100 strategic exercises from the games of the best of the best, the World Champions from Bobby Fischer to Ding Liren. You will learn foundational techniques such as: how to improve your worst-placed piece; how to exploit a lead in development; or make the right piece trade; and how to create a strong square; plus numerous others. Solving these exercises will help every ambitious club player better understand how to make and execute plans. 260 pages
Mr. Jack
Le célèbre jeu de Bruno Cathala et Ludovic Maublanc sur Jack l'éventreur continue de faire des adeptes. Un petit rappel sur ce palpitant jeu à deux joueurs ? Mr Jack propose à l'un des joueurs de se glisser dans la peau des enquêteurs.
Par déductions successives et en plaçant les personnages dans l'ombre ou dans la lumière, le joueur doit trouver sous quelle identité se dissimule l'infâme Jack et tenter de la capturer. Son adversaire, Jack fait tout son possible pour retarder l'enquête. Il essaie même de profiter de l'obscurité pour quitter définitivement les lieux.
Copag Texas Hold'em kaarten met Jumbo index
Poker kaarten 100% plastiek.
Heel stevig, met Jumbo Index voor een betere leesbaarheid.
Het meest gestemde kaartmodel bij pokerspelers.
Uistekend prijs/kwaliteits verhouding.
Bestaat met rood en zwarte rug. (Voorkeur bij bestelling vermelden)
Schaakset Soviet Acacia
Chess set inspired by the models in vogue during the 50's and 60's in the Eastern countries. The two-coloured pieces bring a special touch, but the set remains quite classical with the ultra sober design of the pieces. The set of pieces is made of acacia wood and boxwood, they are all well weighted for an excellent grip and benefit from a felt underneath for a perfect glide and a comfort of use when moving the pieces. The king measures 9.5 cm and the rook 5.5 cm, the ideal sizes for the chess board we have used it on. The board is made of Padouk wood, it measures 53 cm and each square is 5.5 cm.
Bargsten - The Italian Opening for White
With this work, the author aims to illustrate the modern ideas of the Italian Opening to players at a medium level. It deals with positions based on White's slow plan, i.e. if he chooses a calm approach characterized by positional ideas. The author does not attempt to offer the reader a complete repertoire, but rather to explain the ideas of the emerging middlegame positions. The material primarily includes the systems 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.c3 h6 6.0-0 d6 7.Re1 a6 8.a4 Ba7 9.Nbd2 0-0 10.h3 and 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.c3 d6 6.0-0 0-0 7.h3 h6 8.Re1 a5, where especially the latter has gained enormous popularity in current practice
32 Brain teasers metal
A collection of 32 brain teasers in metal. These metal brain teasers provide for a great challenge it comes with wire pieces twisted together, to unlock the ring puzzle you need to maneuver the pieces until you will be able to separate them.
Karolyi - Boris Spassky's best game 1 (1948-1968) The Rising Star
Boris Spassky is the most underappreciated World Champion in chess history, remembered as the Soviet who lost to Bobby Fischer in 1972. In this two-volume work, biographer extraordinaire Tibor Karolyi puts the focus on Spassky’s brilliant career and life story.
Born in 1937, Spassky barely escaped with his life when evacuating from the Siege of Leningrad as a young boy. This book tells the story of how that boy subsequently learned to play chess and rose through the Soviet ranks to become the strongest player in the world in the late 1960s.
International Master Tibor Karolyi is a renowned author and trainer from Hungary. His biographical works for Quality Chess have received glowing praise from readers and reviewers. 344 pages
Nunn - Comprendre les finales
Ce livre est paru chez Gambit en 2009 en anglais. John Nunn est un auteur réputé pour ses analyses profondes et détaillées, ça tombe bien car les finales d'échecs méritent cela. Ce livre s'adresse plutôt à des joueurs ayant déjà une bonne connaissance sur les fins de parties. l'auteur s'est concentré sur trois aspects: la liste des sujets couverts, le choix des positions retenues et la présentation. 235 pages