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Schaakset Preston Padouk redwood
Both the king and queen have wide bases meaning the whole set is comfortable only on chess boards of at least 21 inches. The deep red of the dark pieces complements playing surfaces made from woods of similar hues. The black and white knights are without doubt the most striking pieces on the board. The detailed bridle gives each horse a restrained appearance; well trained and ready for battle. These chessmen take more than two months to make, and it is of no great surprise that the knight takes the longest to carve.
- Maltese influence on a traditional design.
- Beautifully detailed knight.
- 4.5 inch king.
- 2 extra queens for pawn promotion.
- Heavily weighted for balance.
- Bases lined with billiard cloth.
- Perfect on a 21 inch board.
Sher - Dream Moves (Eye-Opening Chess Lessons for Improvers)
Do you want to do the same chess homework that world-famous grandmasters Fabiano Caruana, Robert Hess and Peter Heine Nielsen did in their formative years as chess players? This book will test you with hundreds of positions created by their coach Miron Sher (1952-2020). Just like Fabiano, Robert and Peter, you are not supposed to stop after the first move. You have to find the last move of the solution!
Miron Sher is one of those legendary coaches who got their chess education in the Soviet Union and in later years spread their knowledge in Western Europe and the United States. He was born in Ukraine, studied in Moscow, coached the Russian national team and emigrated to New York in 1997. There he taught at various schools and worked privately with dozens of students.
Dream Moves focuses on five themes that Sher considered important for chess improvement.
- An unprotected piece – the trigger to start thinking tactics!
- In-between moves – they help you spring a surprise on your opponent
- Open files – a fundamental element of chess strategy
- The 20% Rule – if your pawn has advanced to the 5th or 6th rank, moving it forward is quite often your best option
- Dream Move – dream about the final, decisive move, and you will find the way there
The book contains close to one hundred illustrated games and more than three hundred puzzles. Do as the legends did - and use these puzzles to sharpen your tactical skills and improve your understanding of chess.
Miron Sher (1952-2020) is chess grandmaster and legendary coach. He was born in Ukraine, won a dozen international tournaments as a player, and became famous as a trainer in the United States where he lived since 1997. In New York he taught chess at multiple schools, including the Dalton School, IS 318 and Stuyvesant High School. He worked privately with dozens of students such as Fabiano Caruana, Robert Hess and Peter Heine Nielsen. 304 pages
Stallion Staunton palissander stukken
Zelfde stukken als ervoor, buiten de bruine stukken die zwart vervangen.
Razuvaev/Murakhveri - Akiba Rubinstein
Akiba Rubinstein is universally considered one of the strongest chess players who never won the world crown. From a modest upbringing in the Polish city of Lódz, he rose to become the principal challenger to the world champion Emanuel Lasker in the years leading up to the First World War. Although their world title match failed to take place, mainly due to the outbreak of wartime hostilities, Rubinstein's legacy has remained equal to that of any world champion.
His best games are conspicuous for their power and clarity and reveal his deep positional comprehension, brilliant combinational abilities, and virtuosic endgame technique. Rubinstein also pioneered many innovative and pragmatic ideas in all phases of the game that continue to influence the theory and praxis of modern chess.
Initially published in Russian, Akiba Rubinstein by Yuri Razuvaev and Valery Murakhveri is widely acclaimed as one of the most outstanding chess books of the latter part of the twentieth century. This work comes up repeatedly when today's top chess players name books that have significantly influenced their understanding of the game.
After an in-depth biographical chapter, most of the book consists of detailed annotations to more than 60 of Rubinstein's finest games against players like Alekhine, Bogolyubov, Capablanca, Euwe, Lasker, Marshall, Nimzowitsch, Schlechter, Spielmann, Tarrasch, Tartakower, and other prominent masters. Grandmaster Razuvaev's copious notes to the games are distinguished by his clear and insightful explanations that are revelatory and highly instructive to keen players of all abilities. Akiba Rubinstein is universally considered one of the strongest chess players who never won the world crown. From a modest upbringing in the Polish city of Lódz, he rose to become the principal challenger to the world champion Emanuel Lasker in the years leading up to the First World War. Although their world title match failed to take place, mainly due to the outbreak of wartime hostilities, Rubinstein's legacy has remained equal to that of any world champion.
His best games are conspicuous for their power and clarity and reveal his deep positional comprehension, brilliant combinational abilities, and virtuosic endgame technique. Rubinstein also pioneered many innovative and pragmatic ideas in all phases of the game that continue to influence the theory and praxis of modern chess.
571 PAGES Hardcover
Muller/Fishbein - Endgame Corner (450 Instructive endgame exercises)
There are already many endgame books, so why this one? Well, most books deal with elementary endgames, or are very advanced and contain few exercises. But you have only really learned something when you can execute it at the board, with the clock ticking. And solving exercises is very close to this scenario.
The authors present 450 endgame exercises designed to improve your understanding of endgame theory and sharpen your endgame expertise. Starting with the chapter “Specific Positions to Know,” they take you on a journey with just the right mix of practical advice and theoretical knowledge.
Endgame Corner is detailed, well-researched, informative and in-depth, with both authors sharing their experiences, recent games and new examples... I really like this material and hope that you will as well. If you are fascinated by endings, or feel the need to improve this part of your game, this book is a “must” addition to your library. – From the Foreword by Wesley So
Copag Texas Hold'em kaarten met Jumbo index
Poker kaarten 100% plastiek.
Heel stevig, met Jumbo Index voor een betere leesbaarheid.
Het meest gestemde kaartmodel bij pokerspelers.
Uistekend prijs/kwaliteits verhouding.
Bestaat met rood en zwarte rug. (Voorkeur bij bestelling vermelden)
Brain puzzle set of 6
Deze doos bevat een verzameling gemengde puzzels. Er zitten zowel houten puzzels met touwtjes als metalen puzzels in. Bovendien traint elk van de puzzels de belangrijkste hersenkwabben: geheugen, beweging, tastzin, zicht en coördinatie.
Benut je potentieel en train je hersenen!
Afmetingen doos 22 x 16,5 x 5 cm
Schaakcomputer Chess Genius
ChessGenius (meer dan 2100 ELO) is langverwachte door de schaakclubspelers. Eindelijk een tafel elektronische schaakspel met een niveau tegen een aanvaardbare prijs!
Jean-Philippe Toussaint - L'échiquier
« Je voulais, écrit Jean-Philippe Toussaint, que ce livre traite autant des ouvertures que des fins de partie, je voulais que ce livre me raconte, m’invente, me recrée, m’établisse et me prolonge. Je voulais dire ma jeunesse et mon adolescence dans ce livre, je voulais débobiner, depuis ses origines, mes relations avec le jeu d’échecs, je voulais faire du jeu d’échecs le fil d’Ariane de ce livre et remonter ce fil jusqu’aux temps les plus reculés de mon enfance, je voulais qu’il y ait soixante-quatre chapitres dans ce livre, comme les soixante-quatre cases d’un échiquier. »
Construit en 64 courts chapitres, autant que le nombre de cases sur un échiquier, Il y est question de souvenirs d'enfance, d'amis disparus, de période de confinement, mais c'est aussi, le portrait d'un amateur d'échecs.
Jean-Philippe Toussaint est un écrivain belge auteur de plusieurs romans dont le style se caractérise par un style et un récit minimaliste, dans lesquels les personnages et les choses n'ont d'autre signification qu'eux mêmes.
Il a reçu des prix littéraires, dont notamment le prix victor Rossel et le prix Médicis. 244 pages