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Chess Genius Pro nouvelle version 2023
Schaakcomputer voor toernooi en clubspelers.
leer en speel schhal met de ingebouwde computer of speel tegen je vienden.
Inclusief ee vn de krachtigste schaakcomputers aller tijden met werledkampioen software "Chess Genius"
De perfecte spelpartner voor alle schakers, zowel beginners als toernooispelers.
Het kleurenscherm met schaakbordweergave toont tips, analyses, openingsnamen en nog veel meer informatie.
Op een vaardigheidsniveau van meer dan 2.200 Elo
Geïntegreerde schaaktrianer maakt het ook geschikt voor beginners.
Gemagnetiseerde schaakstukken inbegrepen om op het bord te blijven staan.
Inclusief Pressure sensor schaakbord maakt het gemakkelijk om uw zetten in te voeren.
Afmetingen 20 x 20 cm
Power supply: 4 x LR6 AA batterijen (niet inbegrepen) of AC adapter ook niet inbegrepen
Bagheri/Salehzadeh - Understanding chess Exchanges
Understanding Chess Exchanges by Bagheri & Salehzadeh. Have you ever wondered how chess grandmasters always seem to know which pieces need to be exchanged? Or how an attack is influenced by the number of pieces on the board? When should we keep the queens on, and when should we switch to an endgame?
Understanding Chess Exchanges shares expert insights into using exchanges as a strategic weapon. Your newfound knowledge will then be tested using exercises taken from elite modern practice. With a particular focus on Magnus Carlsen – the master of exchanges – this book reveals the principles behind a vital part of chess strategy.
Chess mastery is the art of knowing when principles should be followed and when they must be broken. This book guarantees that you will not only become familiar with the typical guidelines, but also learn about their exceptions. Filled with tips, principles and practical advice, Understanding Chess Exchanges is an invaluable asset to a chess player’s arsenal! 352 pages
Moret - L'essentiel des finales de tours
Comme l'indique bien le titre, il s'agit de l'essentiel, soit l'indispensable à savoir, pour gérer au mieux vos fins de parties avec des tours qui restent le type de finales les plus fréquentes. L'auteur, Vincent Moret est un entraineur français reconnu, il a formé de nombreux jeunes joueurs en France, qui sont devenus des champions. 205 pages
Gormally - Tournament Battle Plan
Books on how to improve your results over the board have been written before but in these changing times when chess has propelled onto the public consciousness, an update is badly needed. Grandmaster Daniel Gormally uses his 25+ years of experience to take the readers through the fires of the tournament cauldron, while illustrating some of his battles with the best players in England.
Along the way he tackles how to approach online play, an increasingly important issue as this form of chess has increased in popularity. Do you need a coach ? Will streamers relly help you to improve ? And should you turn off your computer ? Gormally emphasizes the importance of independent analysis in enabling the player to make progress and explains how he himself suffered in his results due to an over-reliance in chess engines.
And then there is the nitty gritty of tournament play itself. Gormally grapples with subjects that aren't covered in normal tournament books, from what hotels you should choose, to what kind of diet you need to follow, while also concluding that he lacks the awesome physical fitness of the Norwegian chess god Magnus Carlsen.
It all culminates in an explosive Hastings diary, where the author uses his acerbic wit to pull apart the vagaries of preparing for international competition in an account that verges on comic-tragic. 348 pages
Edouard - Mes années magiques avec Topalov
Romain Edouard a travaillé comme secondant avec Topalov et ce durant 4 années, entre 2010 et 2014. De cette association, le GM français a voulu en tirer un livre, qui ne traite pas seulement de l'analyse de parties durant cette période, mais aussi tout le travail effectué, les nombreuses recherches,les coulisses... lors de ses "magiques années" passées avec le grand joueur qu'est Veselin Topalov.
Ce livre est une édition française d'un ouvrage paru auparavant (en 2019) en anglais.
272 pages
Williams - The Jobava London System
Most chess openings have been around for centuries; the first book on the Ruy Lopez was written in 1561. Not so the Jobava System. This is a thoroughly modern opening that has only achieved prominence in the last decade or so. It is named after the Georgian chess visionary Baadur Jobava, a highly imaginative and creative grandmaster. The Jobava System is based around the opening moves 1 d4 d5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 Bf4. For many years this was considered to be a quiet and unassuming backwater of chess theory. No longer!
Thanks to the efforts of Jobava and others this system has been honed into a fierce attacking weapon. As this opening is so new the correct defensive methods are not well understood. This makes the system extremely dynamic and dangerous.
In this book, Simon Williams (the Ginger GM) delves deep into the Jobava and offers up a complete repertoire based on this exciting new system. The advantages are clear:
– There is very little existing theory
– Black cannot play safely on “auto-pilot”
– It is fresh and it’s fun!
stenen uit glaspasta, klein formaat
Deze kleine stenen (diameter: 20.5mm, dikte: 6.5mm) zijn eerder bedoeld voor beginners. Ze zijn verkocht in platsieken dozen in plaats van de traditionele kartonen doos.
Goban apart verkocht.