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Giddins - The Most Exciting Chess Game Ever
Twenty years ago, New In Chess magazine started its own Proust Questionnaire, entitled Just Checking. In this back page column, chess players and personalities named their favourites, preferences, moods, life mottos and whatnot. One of the questions has always been: What was the most exciting chess game you ever saw?
Chess greats such as Anand, Shirov and Ivanchuk (and probably any other top player you can think of), authors and commentators such as Jeremy Silman, Jennifer Shahade, and Tania Sachdev nominated memorable games. This anthology presents the 45 most exciting of these most exciting games.
Besides inevitable ‘usual suspects’ like Kasparov-Topalov (Wijk aan Zee 1999) or the ‘Immortal’ Anderssen-Kieseritzky (London 1851), you’ll be treated to a wide variety of lesser-known gems. You’ll see Ding Liren revelling in an all-out attack, Ivan Saric juggling a knight and five pawns versus two rooks, and Sergei Radchenko chasing the white king all over the board.
Every game is a showcase of the richness and resourcefulness of chess.
Steve Giddins edited this selection, a job he immensely enjoyed: ‘I hope that every reader will find games here which bring a smile to their face and a lift to their heart’.
5x5x5 Mo Fang Ge Speedcube
Hier eens een kubus met originele kleuren. Een speedcube waarmee je zeker tijd gaat winnen.
Plastieken schaakstukken n°5 gevilt (met hoesje)
Plastieken schaakstukken, gevilt (maat 5), met hoesje
Willemze - What would you play? Test your Chess and Improve your decision-making
The best chess training closely resembles the activity you're training for. This book provides you with an essential component - decision-making in the crucial positions of a real game of chess, played by club players rather than grandmasters. You have to answer the same questions that you face when you stare at the chess board and have to find a move.
Amateur games can be very instructive. Studying the games of top players will undoubtedly help you to improve. However, it is often more enlightening to make decisions or see mistakes at a lower level, as they are easier for most of us to relate to.
Thomas Willemze has carefully selected thirty games that illustrate an important theme, for example:
- Dealing with irreversible moves
- Rerouting your rooks
- Aligning your bishop and pawns
- Converting a long-term advantage
- Taming the London
Willemze is a master at choosing just the right positions to help you improve your chess knowledge and understanding.
Thomas Willemze is an experienced chess trainer and International Master from the Netherlands. All thirty games in What Would You Play have been published in New In Chess magazine. Willemze has written five books for New In Chess, all of which are available as courses on Chessable. 230 pages
Stoel op stoel
Wie zal het hem lukken om zijn stoel bovenop de stoelentoren te leggen zonder één ervan te laten vallen? Wie heeft er stalen zenuwen? Want voor elk stoel dat valt, krijgt men één punt. En wie de minste punten heeft, wint! Een leuk vaardigheidsspel en fun voor de hele familie.
Duo Pack : Fritz 19 + Opening Encyclopaedia 2024 DVD
The best combination for opening training: The big ChessBase opening encyclopaedia with thousands of opening articles plus Fritz19 at a special price! This is how modern opening training works: Test the repertoire recommendations from the encyclopaedia directly against Fritz19! Take the practical test in a game against the Fritz19 player types. Or memorise the variations in the Opening app (with Fritz19 you also get a premium account for 6 months): In drill mode, practise the variation until you remember all the moves perfectly!
Fritz 19
Polgar - La meilleure façon d'apprendre les échecs
Il s'agit de Susan Polgar (pas Judit...). Un livre dédié aux enfants qui s'initient ou aux débutants de tous âges.
Au menu, 500 exercices pour vous apprendre à mater.
165 pages.
Magnetisch schaakkoffer uit palissander
Magnetisch schaakkoffer uit ingelegd palissander.
Openafmetingen: 25.5 x 25.5 cm.
Grabinsky/Oleksiyenko - Turbo-charge your tactics 1
Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 1 is essentially a chess puzzle book, but not a typical one. It’s a multi-year effort by GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko and his world-renowned trainer IM Vladimir Grabinsky to introduce you to the world of “unnatural” tactical moves.
Presenting examples of extreme beauty, no matter where they come from – be it online bullet or world-class grandmaster praxis – this book will cure your “selective blindness” by destroying the false notion of chess principles being a set of rules, instead of helpful guidelines. Most chess games are decided by tactics, so solving tactical puzzles is the most effective path to improvement. hardcover 328 pages
Bourgoin - Chess Puzzle ( 600 casse-têtes sur le thème des échecs)
Un livre d exercices à résoudre (il y en a 600), mais un peu inhabituel, car il contient en plus des pièces classiques, des pièces spéciales mais aussi des cases spéciales, destinées à pimenter le jeu. 314 pages
Russische Staunton Fisher Knight stukken (N°5)
Stukken in palmhout gebeitst, verzwaard en gevilt. Deze stukken horen bij een schaakbord met velden van 50mm.
Koningshoogte: 10cm (voetbreedte 4cm). Hoogte van de pion: 5cm (voetbreedte: 3cm).