Dobble c'est plus de 50 symboles, 55 cartes, 8 symboles par carte et toujours un et un seul symbole identique entre chaque carte !
Rapidité, observation, réflexes, enchaînez les mini-jeux dans une ambiance de folie !
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Alle betaalkaarten geaccepteerd.
Een prachtig afgewerkt doolhof uit sheesham hout, beschikbaar in drie verschilende maten. Schitterend op een salontafel.
Een spel van vaardigheid en geduld die jezelf of uw gasten op een eenvoudig manier zal entertainen.
Specifieke referenties
Dobble c'est plus de 50 symboles, 55 cartes, 8 symboles par carte et toujours un et un seul symbole identique entre chaque carte !
Rapidité, observation, réflexes, enchaînez les mini-jeux dans une ambiance de folie !
“And the Rest Is Just a Matter of Technique...”
How often has this comment been appended to a game move or variation? As many players know, it really may not be all that easy to figure out what is meant by this familiar phrase.
After the untimely passing of legendary instructor Mark Dvoretsky, Artur Yusupov was given access to Dvoretsky’s famous card files. With the core material based upon these files, the former top ten grandmaster – and perhaps the most successful of all of Dvoretsky’s students – put together this book, modifying and refining the content as needed.
The book begins with a “theoretical” explanatory section. This is followed by 102 practice positions, which increase in in difficulty. Good technique for gaining an advantage is useful in all areas of the game, so there are positions from the opening, middlegame, and especially the endgame – not only from practical games but also from various studies.
The comments to the solutions are very detailed, explaining not only the main line but also the supplementary side variations. Yusupov thought it important to demonstrate the logic in the search for a decision and to show how a chessplayer can come to the right conclusions at the board.
Dvoretsky’s master student Artur Yusupov has done a great job in selecting and presenting the material so that this book “feels” like another genuine Dvoretsky work. This book is a real gem and I hope that it gives you as much pleasure as it has given me. And that from now on, when you have an advantage, the rest really will be, well, just a matter of technique... – From the Foreword by Grandmaster Dr. Karsten Müller. 175 pages
afmeting: 48 x 48 cm
Perfekt met schaakstukken n°5.
Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 2 concludes a multi-year effort by GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko and world-renowned trainer IM Vladimir Grabinsky to create the perfect chess puzzle books. This second volume builds upon the first, using games from the World Champions and their challengers. Most chess games are decided by tactics, so solving tactical puzzles is the most effective path to improvement.
This book also contains a special chapter with expert guidance on how to use chess engines. The engines might analyse precisely but they can also harm our chess understanding if followed blindly, so we must know when and how to use them. 280 pages Hardcover
Facile à apprendre, vous serez vite gagnés par la frénésie de Uno, le plus célèbre des jeux de cartes familiaux.
Pour gagner, débarrassez-vous de toutes vos cartes. Utilisez les cartes Action pour pièger vos adversaires. Lorsqu'il ne vous reste plus qu'une seule carte en main, n'oubliez jamais de dire Uno !
Drawing on new research, this biography of William Steinitz (1836–1900), the first World Chess Champion, covers his early life and career, with a fully-sourced collection of his known games until he left London in 1882. A portrait of mid-Victorian British chess is provided, including a history of the famous Simpson’s Divan.
Born to a poor Jewish family in Prague, Steinitz studied in Vienna, where his career really began, before moving to London in 1862, bent on conquering the chess world. During the next 20 years, he became its strongest and most innovative player, as well as an influential writer on the game. A foreigner with a quarrelsome nature, he suffered mockery and discrimination from British amateur players and journalists, which eventually drove him to immigrate to America. The final chapters cover his subsequent visits to England and the last three tournaments he played there. A4 afmeting - 415 bladen
Het werkboek Stap 1 wordt ook veel gebruikt voor heel jonge kinderen. Dat gaat wel maar het is verre van ideaal. Niet vreemd omdat de stapppenmethode destijds in 1987 opgezet is voor kinderen van 9 jaar en ouder.De trend is dat kinderen op steeds jonger
De Chess Tutor is een programma dat draait onder Windows. Je kunt ermee leren schaken, schaaklessen volgen, opgaven oplossen, spelletjes spelen en hele partijen spelen. De inhoud is gebaseerd op de Stappenmethode met ongeveer dezelfde leerstofopbouw als in de boeken maar met andere instructielessen en andere, veel meer opgaven.
Systeemvereisten: PC Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
In de eerste stap worden alle spelregels van het schaken behandeld. Veel aandacht is er daarnaast voor de basisvaardigheden die nodig zijn om het spel te spelen. In vergelijking met andere leerboeken kent de stappenmethode een unieke leerstofvolgorde. He
Grootmeester Paul van der Sterren heeft een mooi geillustreerd boek geschreven voor de beginnende schaker. In 10 lessen met oefeningen leert hij de lezer alle facetten het spel. Hij geeft tevens een handvat om je verder te ontwikkelen als speler. 89 bladen