MARTIN - ABC of the Vienna DVD
C'est pas pour pinailler, mais il n'y a ni ' B ', ni ' C ', dans ' Vienna '
Pentium-Processor à 300Mhz ou +, 64MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows VISTA, DVD Drive, Mouse, Soundcard
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
C'est pas pour pinailler, mais il n'y a ni ' B ', ni ' C ', dans ' Vienna '
Pentium-Processor à 300Mhz ou +, 64MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows VISTA, DVD Drive, Mouse, Soundcard
Romain Edouard, auteur de qualité et joueur de haut niveau, nous propose un ouvrage sur le calcul aux échecs, lorsqu'il s'agit de mettre votre adversaire échec et mat.
Au menu, 8 chapitres; dans les trois premiers, des exercices tactiques standards, avant que les choses se compliquent. Au quatrième, il vous faudra enfermer le roi adverse, au cinquième, votre tâche sera de l'emporter en éliminant le défenseur clé, dans le sixième, c'est une double menace qui fera la différence, dans le huitième, des sacrifices et enfin dans le huit et dernier chapitre on retrouvera quelques problèmes différents, un peu de tout. Il est conseillé d'utiliser le livre dans l'ordre chronologique, car la complexité des exercices s'accroît au fil de l'ouvrage. Au total 276 exercices. 130 pages.
The chess triumphs of the Polgar sisters are legendary. Now, in this very special book, Sofia Polgar tells her own exceptional story: from her development as a prodigy and remarkable tournament successes to her eventually settling down, with chess occupying a lesser role as she raised a family.
Sofia presents many of her games, each with her own brand of fireworks. Clear, straightforward annotations allow the reader to appreciate her accomplishments on the board, while away from the board, her many personal memoirs complete the picture.
There are many photographs, many of which haver never been previously published. They nicely complement the chronicle of both her meteoric rise in the chess world and her loving family who encouraged her at every turn.
What is not generally known is that Sofia Polgar is also a gifted artist – a talented painter. Dozens of examples of her brilliant creativity on canvas are featured throughout this large format book. These paintings are presented in full color and on special matte paper to enhance the reader’s viewing enjoyment. 290 pages
Lakdawala, 1d6 move by move
Les “Move by move” continuent à sortir à un rythme soutenu : après avoir exploré trois grands sujets (la Slave, l'Espagnole et la Nimzo), la série s'offre une excursion en territoire moins défriché (en fait, presque pas défriché du tout) puisque le 1d6 dont il est question ici n'est ni la Pirc, ni la néo-Philidor, mais la défense Tchèque (ou Pribyl), i.e. d6-c6-Fg4. Sujet original et exposé parfaitement didactique : que demander de plus ?
Échiquier en vinyle souple vert ou marron n°3, lettré-chiffré, avec cases de 40 mm.
(Préciser la couleur souhaitée dans le champ commentaire)
DVD FRITZ 19 : WORLD CHESS SOFTWARE CHAMPION 2023. Attacker, coward, swindler or endgame wizard: I'll show you how to win against anyone! After my World Championship victories in 2022 and 2023, I am the reigning Chess Software World Champion and am now looking forward to showing you how to become even stronger against your opponent. With my innovative training method, I simulate typical player personalities you know from tournaments and online chess: brash attackers, cautious cowards, passive players. But how do you win against them? Fritz will show you how! And for beautiful attacks, combinations or sacrifices, there are the new ChessBase cards as a reward for you. Practical training that's also a lot of fun. Or let's train openings: you can try out a new repertoire ideas directly in a match against me. And how about the new calculation training for a quick Elo boost? As Fritz19 I can make you play better again.
- The ICGA World Champion Engine 2023
- Practical training: six fully realistic player personalities as sparring partners. Learn how to defend against the ferocious attackers, or how to open up the king position against position players!
- New opening training: Play against your own repertoire.
- Good play is rewarded: 150 different trophies to win. Including rankings.
- ChessBase cards: new digital chess collector cards rewards
- Improved calculation training for a quick Elo boost.
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum: Desktop PC or Notebook, 4 Threads, 8 GB RAM, Windows 10, DirectX 10 graphics card with 1 GB RAM, (DVD ROM drive), Internet access to activate the program, ChessBase Cloud and update. Recommended: PC Intel i7, i9 or Ryzen 7/9 , 8 GB RAM, Windows 11 or 10 with 64-Bit, Windows Media Player, graphic card with 1 GB RAM, RTX graphic card for real time Raytrace board and Internet access. For ChessBase ACCOUNT: Internet access and up-to-date browser, e.g. Chrome, Safari. Runs on Windows, OS X, iOS, Android and Linu