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l'Ami - The Dutch Stonewall - A fighting repertoire against 1.d4 DVD
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
16 other product
BOSCH - Secrets of Opening Surprises vol.14
Les amateurs des S.O.S. (pour Secrets des Suprises dans les ouvertures) vont à nouveau y trouver de quoi remettre à jour leur répertoires d'ouvertures. De nombreuses sorties des variantes principales vous seront proposées, souvent dans les tous premiers coups.
De quoi à nouveau vous amuser tout en surprenant vos adversaires.
GAPRINDASHVILI - Critical Moments in Chess
Six ans après le très remarqué Imagination in Chess, retour du plus célèbre entraîneur géorgien - qui s'attaque ici à un thème important, difficile et rarement traité (Rowson seul s'y étant attaqué avec un certain bonheur). Même approche (tout en exercices - 269 - ou presque) que dans le premier opus, même qualités (originalité du thème, nouveauté des exemples) et même défaut (aucune tentative pour se mettre à portée du joueur moyen). Les costauds, en revanche, vont se régaler.
Moskalenko - Think Like Ivanchuk
Think like Ivanchuk : Practical Chess Exercises: Tactics, Strategy, Endgames by Viktor Moskalenko (Hardcover Edition). Think Like Ivanchuk is a celebration of a true chess genius. This book is a collection of Vasyl Ivanchuk's best games, a chess biography and a highly entertaining training manual all in one.
Vasyl Ivanchuk, a super-grandmaster from Ukraine, was born in 1969 and was the best player in the world in the 1990s behind World Champion Garry Kasparov. He has won the Olympiad, the super-tournaments in Linares and Wijk aan Zee, and many, many other events. He is an incredibly versatile player and has employed almost every possible opening variation known to chess.
Grandmaster Viktor Moskalenko has known his compatriot since childhood, has been his second and sparring partner, and understands his style like no other. Moskalenko has selected Ivanchuk's most fascinating games against world champions and top grandmasters and has derived more than 500 training positions from them. The exercises are fun, engaging, and presented in a way that any chess player can understand.
This collection of Ivanchuk's best artistic ideas will make you think like Ivanchuk and reach new heights in chess. Welcome to Planet Ivanchuk!
Viktor Moskalenko (1960) is one of the leading chess instructors of our time. The Ukrainian Grandmaster has authored numerous inspiring opening manuals such as.Trompowsky Attack & London System, An Attacking Repertoire for White with 1.d4, The Fully-Fledged French, The Wonderful Winawer, and The Fabulous Budapest Gambit. 286 pages
ROGOZENKO - Sveshnikov Sicilian CD Rom
Cette base de données contient environ 12 000 parties dont plus de la moitié date de ces 6 dernières années.