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Alexei Kornev - A Practical Black Repertoire vol.2
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
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16 other product
MADDOX - The Van Geet Opening CD Rom
Un CD entier sur une ouverture bien marginale : le début Van Geet, i.e. 1.Cc3. L'idée principale du début, c'est la variante 1.Cc3 d5 2.e4 (qui peut évidemment aussi être choisie contre la Scandinave). Face aux autres principales réponses noires (1...e5, 1...c5), le joueur peu désireux de rentrer dans les ouvertures classiques (Sicilienne, Viennoise...) peut essayer des systèmes incluant le fianchetto-roi accompagné soit du modeste d3, soit plus ambitieusement de Cf3 suivi de d4, amenant des positions certes proches desdites ouvertures classiques... mais suffisamment différentes pour se révéler piégeuses pour le joueur noir mal préparé et peu méfiant. En attendant la parution annoncée de la version anglaise de Der Linksspringer, ce CD vous permettra de faire le tour des possibilités de ce premier coup inhabituel.
KASPAROV - My Great Predecessors part I
Deux des plus forts joueurs de notre temps (je veux dire Kasparov et Fritz, puisque l'ex-champion du monde ne fait pas mystère d'utiliser abondamment l'aide de l'informatique) se penchent sur les accomplissements des champions du passé. Ce premier volume passe en revue un bon siècle de l'histoire du jeu, du premier championnat du monde officieux (McDonnell-La Bourdonnais 1834) à la mort d'Alekhine (1946), sautant bizarrement la parenthèse Euwe (1935-37) gardée pour le deuxième tome. Comme son titre et sa couverture l'indiquent, l'ouvrage se focalise sur les quatre champions du monde officiels, mais les auteurs prennent le temps de nous parler un peu de leurs principaux adversaires, avec tout de même quelques négligences regrettables (Maroczy représenté simplement par une fin de partie perdue...). Par la force des choses, les parties présentées (117, plus une trentaine d'extraits) sont en général archiconnues, mais elles ont bénéficié d'un travail d'annotation fouillé, utilisant tant l'oeuvre des commentateurs passés que les ressources de la technique moderne, esquissant ainsi une sorte de mise en perspective de l'histoire des échecs. Osons tout de même deux petites critiques (ce qui fera donc trois au total) à l'encontre de ce bel ouvrage : la mise en page un peu négligente, qui rend la lecture de certaines parties un peu laborieuse, et la présence d'une introduction superflue où Kasparov se répand en considérations politico-historiques passablement filandreuses - tout homme, quelle que soit son intelligence, devrait se cantonner à sa spécialité... Un dernier détail : comme le livre s'achève inévitablement par un rappel (honnête mais un peu édulcoré) des agissements d'Alekhine durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, signalons que l'historien Ken Whyld vient de rééditer une plaquette contenant les articles antisémites écrits pour le Pariser Zeitung, accompagnés d'une introduction faisant le point sur l'affaire (Alekhine Nazi Articles).
Chess Tutor Step 1 CD
The Chess Tutor is a Windows program for the learning of chess, based on the Step method. by Brunia/van Wijgerden. It brings a new dimension to the learning of chess: it has solid pedagogical foundations, it is effective and fun. It constitutes the ideal starting point for children (8 years and older) and adults of all ages, a fact which has already been confirmed many thousands of times.
The Chess Tutor runs on all computers with Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7/8/10 and is suitable for children from 8 years and all adults.
Bogdanovich - From Vienna to Munich to Stockholm ( A chess biography of Rudolph Spielman)
Rudolf Spielmann was one of the strongest chess players in the world in the first half of the 20th century. Following his shared second place at the Carlsbad tournament in 1929 with Capablanca, half a point behind Nimzowitsch, he was considered one of the world's top five. His career spread over four decades and included a host of tournament and match victories, such as defeating Bogoljubov over ten games in 1932.
Often known as the Last Romantic in chess with his predilection for the King's Gambit and Vienna Game and love of sacrifices, he bequeathed a rich legacy of ideas and techniques. These combinational and positional master classes are examined here in 213 instructional games and fragments, organized thematically in a way similar to Grigory Bogdanovich's previous volumes on Bogoljubov.
Detailed commentary is provided on games against leading contemporaries. Opponents in this work include five world champions Lasker, Capablanca, Alekhine, Euwe, and Botvinnik, as well as Marshall, Janowski, Tarrasch, Tartakower, Nimzowitsch, Reti, Rubinstein, Romanovsky, Bogoljubov, and many others. Bogdanovich's commentary is richly supplemented by that of stars of the epoch and, above all, of Spielmann himself.
The book further contains a biographical sketch and is supplemented by a large number of tournament photographs and portraits. Spielmann's life was ultimately tragic - a lonely death in Sweden aged just 59 as a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany following the demise three years earlier of his sponsor, while several family members failed to escape the Holocaust.
Additional materials in the book include a detailed table of tournaments and matches from his career, as well as a translation of Spielmann's fascinating article dating to 1923 called "From the Sickbed of the King's Gambit". 460 pages
Sedlak - The London System: The Adventure Continues !
Nikola Sedlak is a renowned chess player known for his expertise in the London System. He is a grandmaster from Serbia who has been considered one of the strongest players in the country for many years. Sedlak is also a well-known chess trainer and author, who wrote several books on the London System and other chess openings.
In front of you is his latest masterpiece on the London System. This comprehensive guide covers all aspects of the London System and provides a detailed analysis of the various lines and variations that may arise from this opening. We believe that Sedlak’s book is a must-have for any chess player who wants to improve his understanding and expertise in the London System.
One of the key assets of Sedlak’s book is the depth of analysis. Sedlak provides an in-depth look at the theoretical foundations of the London System, as well as the key strategic and tactical ideas of the opening. It also covers a wide range of possible variations, giving readers a thorough understanding of the different options that are available to them. Another important aspect of Sedlak’s book is the clarity of explanation. Sedlak’s writing is easy to understand and he provides clear examples to illustrate key ideas. His book is suitable for players of all levels, from beginners to experienced players looking to add the London System to their repertoire. 223 pages