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Nimzowitsch - Mon système
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16 other product
Dickfeld - How strong is your go? Check your ranking in the game of go
This book is both test and training. It will not only help you to assess your skill level, but also to identify your strengths and weaknesses in the game of Go. In a total of eight chapters, you are asked to solve the exercises within a given time limit. With the help of the evaluation tables you will be able to determine where you are roughly located within the kyu and dan ranks. In addition to the classification into the rank ranges, your results will reflect in which areas you are particularly strong and where may still be room for improvement. 116 pages
Bauer/Paoli - The modernized flank attack
The g2-g4 (or ...g7-g5) pawn push is considered unconventional and often associated with backroom chess games or old-fashioned openings like the King’s Gambit.
Despite being one of the most weakening moves available, g2-g4 has been seen more frequently at the top level of chess.
While g2-g4 (or ...g7-g5) can lead to interesting fights, it also entails considerable risk and often results in messy, non-traditional positions with higher chances of mistakes.
It's crucial to remain objective and not get carried away by the excitement of launching an attack, as aggressive pawn pushes can quickly backfire.
The book aims to cover a wide range of chess openings involving g4 (...g5), regardless of whether the idea is strong, interesting, or unadvisable.
Over 50 games are analyzed, showcasing different scenarios where the g-pawn push is utilized, including attacking a short-castled king, challenging the stability of a knight on f3 (or ...Nf6), and seizing space on the kingside.
The examples illustrate a mix of these three reasons, with one prevailing in each case.
The authors, Pierre Laurent-Paoli & Christian Bauer, hope readers will enjoy exploring the lines presented in the book and implement them into their own play. 359 pages Hardcover
Dobble c'est plus de 50 symboles, 55 cartes, 8 symboles par carte et toujours un et un seul symbole identique entre chaque carte !
Rapidité, observation, réflexes, enchaînez les mini-jeux dans une ambiance de folie !
Jungle speed
Jungle speed est un jeu poilant qui vous permettra de mesurer vos réflexes et votre vivacité. Chacun possède des cartes dont il devra se débarrasser pour emporter la partie tandis qu'un totem de bois trône au centre de la table. A chaque tour, on retourne des cartes, si deux cartes sont semblables, les joueurs concernés doivent saisir le plus promptement possible le totem, et le plus rapide refile alors ses cartes à son infortuné adversaire. Pour corser la difficulté, il existe des cartes pratiquement semblables qui peuvent tromper les joueurs et d'autres qui forceront tous les joueurs à intervenir.
Bonzaï ! Réveillez votre instinct animal, car pour gagner, il vous faudra l'oeil du faucon et la vivacité du léopard.