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Willis - The Sicilian Four Knights
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
16 other product
Gormally - Chess Analysis - Reloaded
Danny Gormally is a Chess Grandmaster stuck in a fugue state. He has forgotten how to analyse - blinded by the brilliance of chess engines, every time he gets stuck he turns on the machine. In this book he attempts to discover his love of analysis and the game of chess by attempting different methods of analysis and calculation. He asks what separates the analysis methods of an amateur player with a Grandmaster, and further still what separates the very best players from super computers. It all culminates in the mind-bogglingly complex “Impossible quiz” where some of the most skilled players in chess are confronted by extremely complex positions.
If that sounds off-putting it shouldn’t be - Gormally breaks down the material in a way that is comprehensible to any amateur player. 262 pages
Les Colons de Catane edition 2010
Il y a déjà plusieurs semaines que vous avez quitté la terre ferme. Vous êtes à la tête d'une expédition ayant pour mission de coloniser l'île de Catane. Les ouvrages des Explorateurs décrivent cette île comme un paradis où abondent toutes les richesses nécessaires pour y construire de prospères cités.
Suite à un long et pénible périple votre navire atteint enfin les côtes de l'île. Mais soudain, vous constatez de votre longue-vue que vous n'êtes pas seul ! D'autres navires autour de l'île débarquent des hordes de colons.
Les premières colonies fondées croissent rapidement. L'espace devient de plus en plus rare et les échanges commerciaux de plus en plus nécessaires. Vous devrez donc utiliser à profit vos talents de négociateur ! Une grande aventure vous attend.
Deviendrez-vous le premier souverain de Catane?
Chess Set Preston Padouk wood
Both the king and queen have wide bases meaning the whole set is comfortable only on chess boards of at least 21 inches. The deep red of the dark pieces complements playing surfaces made from woods of similar hues. The black and white knights are without doubt the most striking pieces on the board. The detailed bridle gives each horse a restrained appearance; well trained and ready for battle. These chessmen take more than two months to make, and it is of no great surprise that the knight takes the longest to carve.
- Maltese influence on a traditional design.
- Beautifully detailed knight.
- 4.5 inch king.
- 2 extra queens for pawn promotion.
- Heavily weighted for balance.
- Bases lined with billiard cloth.
- Perfect on a 21 inch board.
Horwitz/Kling - Chess studies and endgames
In 1851, Horwitz & Kling published the first edition of the book. The collection of endgame studies was truly monumental, covering endgames of all types, often uncovering previously unknown truths about a variety of endgames, both simple and more complex ones.
After the passing of his colleague Kling, Horwitz started preparing a manuscript for a new, expanded edition. However, in 1885, he passed as well, and it was only through the effort of William Wayte that the second edition was published in 1889.
In this new edition, all of their compositions and analysis have been thoroughly reanalyzed by FIDE Master Carsten Hansen. 182 pages
Chess set Armoured Redwood
Handcrafted from the finest Indian sheesham hardwood, also known as golden rosewood, our Armoured selection provide a luxury twist. Among the elegant touches this set possesses are the intricately carved knights with ceremonial bridles and replaceable king finial cross pin. We pair this exceptionnal set with premium chessboard from italy in walnut burr. kingsize is 11.5 cm and diam. of 4.5 cm - Boardsize is 54 cm and square 5 cm
Supreme Staunton Ebony
Weighted with felted bottom Supreme Staunton chess pieces, sculpted in ebony: a precious wood of great density and of a profound blackness. Perfectly polished, shiny and smooth, they are finely sequined, which gives them in light this singular glittering aspect.
They will perfectly suits on a chessboard with squares measuring 55mm.
Bhat - How I Became a Chess Grandmaster
Vinay Bhat rose through the ranks of American chess in the 1990s and 2000s, overcoming plateaus, competitive challenges, and academic and professional commitments, before achieving the highest title in chess. Follow Vinay’s path to improvement and the struggles he had to go through, to carve out your own path to improvement and achieve your chess goals.
How I Became a Chess Grandmaster is a personal story that entertains as it instructs. With numerous photographs and anecdotes, you can follow the inspirational rise of a young player from novice to Grandmaster.
Vinay Bhat became a National Master at the age of 10 and an International Master at 15 – at the time the youngest American IM since Bobby Fischer. He later went on to gain the ultimate title of Grandmaster in his mid-twenties. 344 pages
Pièces d'échecs Staunton en Acrylique
These spectacular pieces are triple weighted, and their size requires a chessboard with 55 mm squares.
The king is 10.6 cm high, the base 4.60 cm, the rook 6.3 cm high, the base 4.00 cm.
The underside is leather, not the usual felt.
The pieces are finely sculpted and the knight, the representative figure in a chess set, is particularly well done!