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Nunn - Les Finales - les cahiers d'échecs pour les enfants
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
16 other product
KASPAROV - My Great Predecessors part III
La taille a diminué d'un quart, mais le prix est hélas resté le même... Ce troisième tome est l'occasion de redécouvrir les deux joueurs sans doute les plus sous-estimés de l'histoire des échecs. Parce qu'il ont eu le malheur de régner quand le monde des échecs n'avait d'yeux que pour le ludion Fischer, et parce que leur style était pour l'un difficile à comprendre et pour l'autre difficile à caractériser, Petrosian et Spassky ont parfois été considérés comme des champions au rabais. Leur palmarès et leur valeur méritent pourtant mieux que ce jugement hâtif, et ce volume devrait contribuer à remettre quelque peu les pendules à l'heure - quelque peu seulement, la sélection de parties étant un peu courte pour illustrer d'aussi longues carrières (souvenons-nous que Petrosian fut présent dans les Tournois des Candidats durant 27 ans...). Au passage, on retrouve aussi quelques comparses doués : Portisch, le malchanceux Leonid Stein et, plus étrangement (car ses meilleurs résultats datent de l'ère Karpov), Lev Polougaevsky. Quand au style du livre, inutile d'y revenir : vous commencez à connaître le produit. Rendez-vous sous peu pour un sujet beaucoup plus rebattu : Bobby Fischer...
Muller/Fishbein - Endgame Corner (450 Instructive endgame exercises)
There are already many endgame books, so why this one? Well, most books deal with elementary endgames, or are very advanced and contain few exercises. But you have only really learned something when you can execute it at the board, with the clock ticking. And solving exercises is very close to this scenario.
The authors present 450 endgame exercises designed to improve your understanding of endgame theory and sharpen your endgame expertise. Starting with the chapter “Specific Positions to Know,” they take you on a journey with just the right mix of practical advice and theoretical knowledge.
Endgame Corner is detailed, well-researched, informative and in-depth, with both authors sharing their experiences, recent games and new examples... I really like this material and hope that you will as well. If you are fascinated by endings, or feel the need to improve this part of your game, this book is a “must” addition to your library. – From the Foreword by Wesley So
Horwitz/Kling - Chess studies and endgames
In 1851, Horwitz & Kling published the first edition of the book. The collection of endgame studies was truly monumental, covering endgames of all types, often uncovering previously unknown truths about a variety of endgames, both simple and more complex ones.
After the passing of his colleague Kling, Horwitz started preparing a manuscript for a new, expanded edition. However, in 1885, he passed as well, and it was only through the effort of William Wayte that the second edition was published in 1889.
In this new edition, all of their compositions and analysis have been thoroughly reanalyzed by FIDE Master Carsten Hansen. 182 pages
Supreme Staunton chess pieces - Ebony
This beautiful Staunton chess pieces earn a point in their history; in the 19th century, London was a major center for the production of chess pieces. John Jaques, one of the main ivory and wood turner then, decided to better the appearance and it's function of the chess pieces. Together with his partner Nathaniel Cook, they finish their model in 1849 and record it in honor of Howard Staunton, a former charismatic chess player and journalist. A kind of marketing hit ahead of its time.
The Staunton chess pieces are stable by their broad base and the general aesthetics of the pieces is transformed: The tower is an impregnable fortress, the line of pawns is refined, the miter of the runner is simplified, it is now more easier to distinguishes the crown of the king thanks to the cross, from the lady her pointed collar. And above all, the ultra-realistic appearance of the horse raises the desire to fight on. Style which we clearly find inspiration back in the frieze of the Parthenon, a masterpiece of Greek sculpture in the 5eeuw BC. which is largely preserved in the British Museeum London.
The Staunton pieces quickly had a great success and were officially prescribed in 1924 for competion. Different variants of Staunton since the original model made in 1849 are now all over the world available for chess players, but they remain faithful to the "John Jaques style".
The Supreme Staunton chess pieces are felted and weighted. They are cut in a dense, valuable ebony, an exceptional deep black. They are perfectly polished, smooth and shiny, and fine glittered with oxalic acid crystals. Giving them as recollected more brilliance to light.
They will perfectly suit on a chess board with squares of 55 mm.
SHIROV - Advance Caro Kann 2nd Edition DVD
Système requis:
Pentium 300 Mhz, 64 Mo RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, lecteur DVD-ROM, souris, carte son.
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Classical chess pieces "Sheesham n°5", with weights and felt
These handy wooden pieces come in classical design, and the little weights within make them comfortable to move and hard to fall.
With their classical beauty they fit perfectly to wooden chessboards of 50 and,55mm square size (see this one for example: http://www.marchand.be/en/chess-boards/285-5788.html).
Feel free to contact us anytime for more information and advice on our broad range of chess pieces!
Henris: The Complete Albin Counter-Gambit
Authored by Belgian FIDE Master Luc Henris, an expert on the Albin, this book covers the Albin Counter-Gambit on about 600 (!) pages. It provides you with up-to-date analysis and innovative ideas to fight the Queen´s Gambit. While it has long been underestimated by master and club players alike, it is especially Morozevich (ELO 2760 as of May 2013) who revived the Albin in recent years. If it´s good for him, it´s good for us too: an entertaining, surprising, and sound counter-weapon for Black.
Edited by Marchand S.A.
WATSON - Maîtriser les ouvertures vol 4
Suite et fin de la somme watsonienne - que l'on ne présente plus. Comme on l'avait déjà expliqué à propos de l'édition anglaise, ce 4ème tome (d'une série prévue en 2) explore tout ce qui avait encore été laissé de côté - la Reti, les débuts irréguliers, divers gambits - et se termine par un petit chapitre pratique sur le choix et la préparation de votre répertoire d'ouvertures. Moins essentiel que les deux premiers tomes, mais quand même indispensable.